AFC Oldham instigated the match with a hardy beginning, generating considerable early opportunities that, regrettably, remained unconverted. Despite asserting dominance on the field, they...
In a thrilling encounter, Oldham emerged victorious with a resounding 6-1 win over North Walkden. The match was filled with standout performances and a...
⚽ Ramin ⚽ Shay⚽ Elliot🎯Archie🎯Xander🏆MoM Archie (Badger) What an absolute belting performance from the boys today. All of them ran their socks off, absolutely...
Date: 21st January 2024 Venue: Salford City Roosters ARLFC AFC Oldham Women secured a well-deserved spot in the League Cup semi-final with a commanding 3-1...
Date: 14 January 2023 Venue: Hathershaw College In a thrilling encounter between AFC Oldham Women’s First Team and Bury Reserves, the game delivered excitement,...